Our vision is simple: to make you and your team heroes.

The story of two history-loving strategy enthusiasts

It is the early 1990s and two technologists enter the courtyard of the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm at the same time. Among student farse scripts and pub crawls the opening lines of their long history are written.

It is the late 1990s and the two graduated engineers Håkan and Marie realize that it is time to grow up. Håkan loses himself in the world of programming and Marie will soon be reciting the Radiation Protection Act in her sleep.

It's the early 2020s and the two now inveterate theorists suddenly look up from their screens and exclaim in unison "let's do something else".

It's 2023 and Marie and Håkan have just opened their first escape room in the heart of Stockholm. Proud as punch, they invite you to take part in the best thing they know - historical escape rooms!